Mátyás Schubert
Mátyás Schubert

PhD Candidate

University of Amsterdam

About Me

I am a PhD candidate at the Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab at the University of Amsterdam, under the supervision of Sara Magliacane. My research focuses on causal machine learning, with a particular interest in discovering and leveraging causal information efficiently. I am passionate about creating systems that solve problems and strive for software craftsmanship when implementing them.

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  1. PhD Candidate

    University of Amsterdam
    Currently, I am a PhD candidate in causality-inspired ML/RL.
  2. Teaching Assistant

    University of Amsterdam
    I was a teaching assistant for the Natural Language Processing 1 course. My responsibilities included running the lab sessions, and grading assignments and exams.
  3. Software Developer

    As part of a continuous integration and continuous delivery team, my responsibilities included managing developer environments, test and build pipelines, and developing a deployment software for complex cloud-based applications.


  1. MSc Artificial Intelligence

    University of Amsterdam
    I finished the Artificial Intelligence MSc programme where I got familiar with machine learning and causality. My thesis investigated long-term credit assignment in reinforcement learning.
  2. Erasmus Exchange Student

    Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
    Spent a semester as an Erasmus student at VU. I worked with students from all backgrounds ad used english in my studies and also in my everyday life during my whole stay.
  3. BSc Computer Science

    Eötvös Loránd University
    I finished the Computer Science BSc programme where I specialized in software design and algorithm correctness. For my thesis project I developed an interactive GUI for the trace module of the BPF Compiler Collection.